Hope in the Community At Hope Community Church Middleton we want to love our community. Here are some of the ways we’ve recently been involved in the community. Easter 2023Easter Crafternoon Summer 2023Hook a Duck at Elements Primary School Summer Fair September 2023We had a stall at the Great Middleton Park Show December 2023Hosting a stall at Elements Primary School Christmas Fair December 2023Running a craft event hosted by Friends of Middleton Park December 2023Carol Singing at Middleton Park December 2023Hosting a stall at Middleton Maker’s Market and we did some carol singing. January 2024New Year Crafternoon at Tenants Hall Good Friday 2024‘Easter Journey’ at Middleton Circus April 2024Spring Family Crafternoon at Tenants Hall July 2024We had a stall at the Middleton Market to raise money and awareness for our Tots group July 2024We ran a Community Sports Day in Middleton Park with Jamie Jones Buchanan. September 2024We had a stall at the Great Middleton Park Show November 2024Steve gave a short talk about Christmas hope at the Middleton Christmas Lights Switch on. December 2024We led the crafts and carol singing at the annual Friends of Middleton Park’s Christmas event. December 2024We hosted a community Carol Singalong at the Middleton Christmas Pop up Market. December 2024We had a stall at Elements Primary’s Christmas Fair. January 2025We ran a new year Crafternoon at Tenants Hall.